"Chimera", duo show with Ekaterina Gerasimenko, Martch Art Project, Istanbul. Photos: Cemil Batur Gökçeer
"Chimera", duo show with Ekaterina Gerasimenko, Martch Art Project, Istanbul. Photos: Cemil Batur Gökçeer
"render, render" 400x118, Istanbul
"render, render" 400x118, Istanbul
"Apparent Life" KRANK Art Gallery, Istanbul. Photo by Mehmet Duran
"We are in this together, we are not one and the same" Espace Artaud, Lyon
"We are in this together, we are not one and the same" Espace Artaud, Lyon
"Artificial Bloom; Fluid Archives" Sanatorium Gallery, Istanbul. Photo by Zeynep Fırat
"Artificial Bloom; Fluid Archives" Sanatorium Gallery, Istanbul. Photo by Zeynep Fırat